“In working with people, I want to foster an atmosphere in which partnership and respect are taken for granted. That promotes openness and trust, both of which are essential prerequisites for reflection and learning. I enjoy structuring topics, discovering relationships and communicating my impressions back to people. And if I can help provide people with impulses for their personal development, that makes me even happier.”
Jacqueline Wasseveld-Reinhold
Consultant, trainer, partner
Consulting and training focuses
- Multi-modular leadership development programs for executives (national and international level)
- Consulting and management for organizational development projects
- Executive coaching
- Workshop facilitation
- Conflict mediation
- Seminars in intercultural management, team work, project management, negotiation and facilitation
- Consulting and facilitation for assessment centers
German, English
Education and training
- Degree in Agricultural Engineering (Dipl.-Agraringenieurin), University of Gießen
- Editorial department traineeship at the Girardet Publishing Company, Essen
- Training as a consultant and trainer at Coverdale Germany
- NLP practitioner, Norddeutsches Institut für Kurzzeittherapie, Bremen
- Systemic supervisor and organizational developer, Norddeutsches Institut für Kurzzeittherapie, Bremen
- Hakomi – body-oriented psychotherapy, Hakomi Institut, Heidelberg
- Certification for MBTI®
- Certification for Reflector Big Five Personality
- Non-medical practitioner (psychotherapy)
Professional experience
- Project manager for heat-pump systems in agricultural operations
- Editor for various agricultural journals
- Editor-in-chief for a journal of development
- Freelance journalist – travel periodicals
- Adjunct staff member of the press office of a trading company
- Coach and consultant
- With Coverdale since 1992
- Book: “Into the unknown. Effective leadership in transformations” in collaboration with Andreas Schattschneider and Thomas Weegen, Coverdale Publishing, 2024
- Book: “Moderation. Effiziente Besprechungen und Projektmeetings” in collaboration with Dr. Jan Bodo Sperling, Haufe Verlag 2011
- Book: “Moderation. Teams professionell führen mit den besten Methoden und Instrumenten”, in collaboration with Dr. Jan Bodo Sperling and Ursel Stapelfeldt, Haufe Verlag 2004
- Book: “Führungsaufgabe Moderation”, in collaboration with Dr. Jan Bodo Sperling, 5th edition, Haufe Verlag 2002